We are A V I L A.

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Saint Johns, FL 32259


AVILA Inspired Design - Artisan Silk & Wool Scarves


Our Story


AVILA inspired. design is a Ponte Vedra Beach based women's lifestyle brand by Susan Smith that blends elevated design and timeless artistry. She designs beautiful artisan accessories that value technique and craftsmanship.  Susan’s decades of sourcing, product development and business development for global fashion brands sparked her solo venture.

The spirit of AVILA is grounded in handcrafted techniques and colors inspired by India and the ease of California’s Central Coast. Each piece incorporates thoughtful and signature details such as hand painting, hand embroidery, and hand-finished edges that transcend seasons.  The fashion industry has labeled this ethos as slow fashion—the practice of creating garments that are designed to last, placing importance on diversity, quality, and beauty.

Susan oversees the entire product development life cycle, traveling to India to purchase textiles and develop patterns for each collection. Not only is importance is placed on creating curated product, but also selective placement in locations that share the philosophy of the brand.

The name AVILA emerges from a combination of Susan’s daughters’ names, Ava and Lila, who continue to inspire Susan’s work.


“Accessories do not need to be complicated and beautiful design does not need to be unattainable. The AVILA woman is chic and effortless, beautiful and organic. Thank you for sharing my dream.“


International Chic with a Québécois Touch.


After years of practice, Romy has found that gently taming and suggesting shape yields the most elegant results. Even when she started small with wallets back in 1987, she always matched her meticulousness with curiosity. Travelling around the globe, she has studied various techniques and designs that have helped her cultivate a singular yet international style. Today, she has a few apprentices of her own and spends most of her time crafting with them in her Montréal studio. She still makes time to learn new techniques and exhibits at tradeshows all around the world.

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