We are A V I L A.

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Saint Johns, FL 32259


AVILA Inspired Design - Artisan Silk & Wool Scarves


A V I L A Blog

Benita Robledo

susan smith

One of my favorite parts AVILA is having the opportunity to meet and engage with strong, fierce women.  Benita Robledo is not only a fabulous actress and director, but also a very active slow fashion advocate.  She took an interest in Avila earlier this year, and I am so appreciate of her support.  

Follow her trajectory- she is beautiful inside and out.  



Hello again!

susan smith

It has been awhile since I have written anything.  I often wonder if anyone even reads these, but thought I would give it a try again. It is somewhat therapeutic.  My day job brings me to Fort Wayne on a regular basis.  Being homesick is an understatement, but we love where we live and that is enough to not want to transition again.  

I started making bracelets last year while helping a friend with her store in Jacksonville.  I found it extremely calming, especially with a glass wine.  My friends love them and I thought, okay, maybe I am on to something.  So I have kept pushing myself out of my comfort zone to try new techniques and it has been so rewarding.  

Clearly accessories are my passion...bracelets pair beautifully with scarves as they do not discriminate on size.  Even my day job is running an accessories handbag company...all transparent and embracing slow fashion.  I want to create beautiful accessories that are effortless and beautiful, and know exactly where they are made and by who.  

That is it for now.  I think I like this blogging thing! :) 



We Want YOU!

susan smith

We're looking for real, vibrant women to feature on our website and social media.

Tag #AVILAinspired in a photo where you feel beautiful in AVILA whether that's a night out or a weekend in.

We'll be picking our favorites to feature on avilainspired.com, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

#avilainspired #effortlessstyle #artisan #slowfashion #curatebeauty #empoweryourself